Deepening Insight: An Interview with Bhikkhu Analayo

Published: Dec. 17, 2021, 9:18 p.m.



A discussion with Bhikkhu An\\u0101layo about his book "Deepening Insight: Teachings on vedan\\u0101 in the Early Buddhist Discourses."


Deepening Insight presents a selection of passages from the early Buddhist discourses that provide perspectives on the cultivation of liberating insight into vedan\\u0101, sensation, feeling, or feeling tone. For meditators, such passages can be of considerable help as a reference point for deepening insight.


A metaphor that can offer considerable help when facing vedan\\u0101s describes bubbles arising on the surface of a pond during rain...they arise and soon enough burst and disappear. Contemplation of the changing nature of vedan\\u0101 provides a firm foundation for the growth of insight into not self. Such insight proceeds through successive layers of the mind\'s ingrained habit of self-referentiality. Based on relinquishing the explicit view of affirming the existence of a permanent self, increasingly subtler traces of conceit and possessiveness need to be successively overcome until with full awakening all selfing in any form will be removed for good.


Interview and Q&A with Bhikkhu An\\u0101layo
\\ninterviewer: Marta Van Patten
\\n90 minutes


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video copyright, 2021\\xa0Pariyatti


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