A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 53 excerpt)

Published: Nov. 9, 2022, 11:56 p.m.



Story 53 from \'A Lifetime Doing Nothing\' by Ian McCrorie


Many years ago, I attended a performance of Aida. This was\\n a full production and the director wanted to impress. In the\\n opening scene, he featured a live elephant. The audience seemed\\n to anticipate the arrival of the elephant more than the two\\n hours of Verdi that would follow the pachyderm\'s entrance.\\n As the curtain parted, there stood the elephant as right as rain,\\n center stage. The woman seated beside me, unable to contain\\n herself, shouted,...

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narrated by Ian McCrorie
\\n 2022
\\n 3 minutes 32 seconds


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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti


\'A Lifetime Doing Nothing\' as a book and eBook can be found at https://store.pariyatti.org/a-lifetime-doing-nothing.\\n\\n

More by Ian McCrorie.


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