A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 45 excerpt)

Published: Oct. 16, 2022, 8:30 p.m.



Story 45 from \'A Lifetime Doing Nothing\' by Ian McCrorie


Without the ability to silently sit alone in a darkened room,\\n we are destined to be a slave to our conditioned mind, reacting\\n to self-imposed habitual preconditions, convinced that\\n everything out there is awesome and everyone else is as happy\\n as kings. So why, you wonder, am I so miserable? I have lost\\n count of the number of times in a given day I start a sentence\\n with...

\\n \\n\\n

narrated by Ian McCrorie
\\n 2022
\\n 4 minutes 03 seconds


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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti


\'A Lifetime Doing Nothing\' as a book and eBook can be found at https://store.pariyatti.org/a-lifetime-doing-nothing.\\n\\n

More by Ian McCrorie.


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