A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 39 excerpt)

Published: Sept. 23, 2022, 4:07 p.m.



Story 39 from \'A Lifetime Doing Nothing\' by Ian McCrorie


My father would go apoplectic when he was near gum chewers.\\n He would physically recoil as they mashed away in complete\\n obliviousness to the consternation they were causing him.\\n Though I didn\\u2019t understand the reason for his meltdowns, over\\n time I absorbed his attitude. Each time some unsuspecting\\n gum smacker tried to engage my father in a conversation, I\\n could feel my father do a slow burn. Like a tuning fork hearing\\n a note played on a piano, I would commiserate with him, and\\n my habit patterning would...

\\n \\n\\n

narrated by Ian McCrorie
\\n 2022
\\n 3 minutes 29 seconds


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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti


\'A Lifetime Doing Nothing\' as a book and eBook can be found at https://store.pariyatti.org/a-lifetime-doing-nothing.\\n\\n

More by Ian McCrorie.


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