A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 37 excerpt)

Published: Sept. 9, 2022, 11:07 p.m.



Story 37 from \'A Lifetime Doing Nothing\' by Ian McCrorie


The Buddha was more scientist than spiritual seeker. He\\n wanted to understand human suffering using himself, his body,\\n and his mind as his laboratory. After many years of ascetic\\n practices, while sitting under a pipal tree in Bihar in northern\\n India, he took a vow not to move until his experiment gave up\\n an answer. As dawn broke so did the yoke that tied him to this\\n earthly realm. Enlightenment. He was now awakened. He was\\n now the Buddha. The one who knows. And what does he ask\\n of us? Reverence? Obedience? Blind devotion? Not at all. He\\n asks...

\\n \\n\\n

narrated by Ian McCrorie
\\n 2022
\\n 6 minutes 16 seconds


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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti


\'A Lifetime Doing Nothing\' as a book and eBook can be found at https://store.pariyatti.org/a-lifetime-doing-nothing.\\n\\n

More by Ian McCrorie.


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