061: DHH - Internet Famous with Kids

Published: Jan. 6, 2021, 10 a.m.

Ep 61 : DHH on being Internet Famous with Kids 1:48 Welcome, DHH (https://twitter.com/dhh) David (https://dhh.dk/) is the creator of Ruby on Rails, cofounder & CTO at Basecamp, best-selling author, Le Mans class-winning racing driver, frequent podcast guest, and family man. 2:50 Security concerns Social Media COVID times Parenting boundaries 13:45 Privacy Picture surplus Authenticity 16:45 Engagement with parenting on the web The highlight parenting reel Avoid the humble brag as a parent Internet jousts DHH recommended books: The Myth of the Spoiled Child (https://www.amazon.com/Myth-Spoiled-Child-Challenging-Conventional/dp/0738217247/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1609190913&sr=8-1) - Alfie Kohn Punished by Rewards (https://www.amazon.com/Punished-Rewards-Trouble-Incentive-Praise/dp/0618001816) - Alfie Kohn * The Self-Driven Child (https://www.amazon.com/Self-Driven-Child-Science-Giving-Control/dp/0735222517) - Ned Johnson 26:30 Introducing privileges to his kids Capitalism Against artificial constraints placed on by parents A life not centered around materialism The Road To Wigan Pier (https://www.amazon.com/Road-Wigan-Pier-George-Orwell/dp/0156767503) - George Orwell 38:38 Genius / Fails Arit makes a crib boundary with a creative new upcycle KWu wrestles with a photo book for her kids Chris fails on fail this week DHH is off by an hour as his kids come home right as this podcast starts Allison’s daughter challenges her patience during bed time How can I support the podcast? Please follow us @parentdrivendev (https://twitter.com/parentdrivendev) on Twitter or email us at panel@parentdrivendevelopment.com (mailto:panel@parentdrivendevelopment.com). Our website is at ParentDrivenDevelopment.com (https://parentdrivendevelopment.com). Allison (https://twitter.com/allie_p) Chris S (https://twitter.com/crsexton) Arit (https://twitter.com/AritAmana) KWu (https://twitter.com/kwugirl) Special Guest: David Heinemeier Hansson .