Open Mic Night 3

Published: March 17, 2014, 7:04 p.m.

This episode is another "Open Mic" where there was no scripted show and I just talked about whatever popped into my head. The guest on this episode is my good friend Tony Pratt, who also hosted a paranormal themed talk show on WRFN opposite mine, called Paranormal Nashville.
Tony and I first met at WRFN and became fast friends. We have appeared on each other's respective radio broadcasts several times throughout the years. Tony has since moved on to doing television and has had me as a guest on his talk show. I think that you'll be able to tell from our interaction with each other that we are good friends who have something in common and have a good time whenever we're in the same room with each other.
This episode originally aired on WRFN on October 27, 2006.