S3E4 - Love Is Our Way

Published: Feb. 21, 2022, 5 p.m.


In this episode, I continue my discussions about my lessons learned about spirituality, especially over the last 18 months - lessons that I think are applicable to everyone. In other words, I am continuing to expand on the content in episodes S3E2 and S3E3, and I am not only getting into more specifics but am focusing on how you apply the lessons learned, and especially on how to overcome ego and how to awaken. How to overcome ego and how to awaken are the key tasks of spiritual seekers and, in actuality, should be what every human being should focus on in achieving happier lives and a saner, happier, more equitable world. So, to do that, I 1) explain my "Love Is Our Way" message, 2) go into more depth about what love is and why it is so important, 3) teach the techniques for overcoming ego and how to awaken, and 4) emphasize the need to make a commitment live in alignment with the true nature of the universe and our selves as parts of the integral whole of life unfolding.

Per Raymond Posch (host) - All 108 episodes of Our Spiritual Life will remain accessible, but new episodes are not being added. All new episodes are being published under my New Ways of Being podcast. Learn about me and New Ways of Being at RaymondPosch.com.

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Our Spiritual Life was honored to be included in the FeedSpot 100 Best Spiritual Podcasts (blog.feedspot.com/spiritual_podcasts) in May 2023.
Please feel free to contact me at any time at ray@raymondposch.com.
