S3E11 - A Conversation with Zach Beach, Love Coach and Author of "The Seven Lessons of Love"

Published: May 30, 2022, 5 p.m.

In this episode, I had an enjoyable and enlightening discussion with Zach Beach. Zach has the Learn to Love podcast, is author of The Seven Lessons of Love, and is a love coach. Zach said many valuable things, including these two important quotes: "Love is the reason we are here on this planet.", and "We are here to learn to be (better) human beings." In between those 2 quotes, we talked about many things, including unconditional love and what it is, the power of intention, his book The Seven Lessons of Love, yoga, spiritual learning, the loving kindness meditation, "new relationship" energy, his new poetry book (Pebbles), and more. He read a short but delightful poem (from his new book) that teaches us in a succinct, zen-like way. Especially applicable to everyone is a simple technique that Zach taught us to help us direct our intentions in a powerful, heart-centered way. Zach's website is ZachBeach.com. This was a episode that you won't want to miss.

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