S1E29 - The Essential Path - Part 4 with Guest Danny Rongo

Published: Nov. 1, 2020, 6 p.m.


If you care about the state of the world and mankind, you should listen to this podcast which is about Neale Donald Walsch's book The Essential Path. The book's subtitle is The Daring Decision to Be Who You Truly Are, and the book is about the need for mankind to awaken to the recognition that we are each an expression of Infinite Intelligence. In this episode, I discuss the book with my guest Danny Rongo (That Oneness Guy) and, in the midst of that discussion I also read chapters 22-23 which talk about the changes that are likely to result when a significant portion (10% or more) of humanity chooses to make the daring decision that we are spiritual beings that are expressions of the One Essence (God). \\xa0I urge everyone to read this small, important book. But if you don't have time, listen to these episodes about The Essential Path. If we truly knew that we are part of a great Oneness, we would behave very differently than we do now and we would put an end to all forms of alienation, division, injustice, and violence.\\xa0

Per Raymond Posch (host) - All 108 episodes of Our Spiritual Life will remain accessible, but new episodes are not being added. All new episodes are being published under my New Ways of Being podcast. Learn about me and New Ways of Being at RaymondPosch.com.

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Our Spiritual Life was honored to be included in the FeedSpot 100 Best Spiritual Podcasts (blog.feedspot.com/spiritual_podcasts) in May 2023.
Please feel free to contact me at any time at ray@raymondposch.com.
