
Published: Nov. 29, 2021, 2:01 a.m.

b"Eudaimonia is a Greek word, literally translating to the state or condition of good spirit which is commonly translated as happiness or welfare. The closest English word is probably flourish; the word flourishing. Aristotle used it as a broad concept to describe the highest good humans could strive toward or having a life of flourishment. What does it mean to have a virtuous life? How does genius and creativity come into this topic?\\nIf you enjoy our show, please contribute by leaving us a little something, or a big something ;)\\n\\nTranscript\\n[00:00:00] Fawn: Hi everybody. Hello? Eudaimonia it sounds like, let me say it again. Eudaimonia, \\n[00:00:09] Matt: but it's one word.\\n[00:00:10] Fawn: It's one word. Eudaimonia it sounds like you'd a man. You da man \\n[00:00:15] Matt: or the money \\n[00:00:16] Fawn: or, there's another pronunciation. Eudaimonia so we have another Greek word for you today, guys.\\nIt's eudaimonia. And Aristotle is joining us today. Again, as much as we can channel Aristotle, our friend to the art of friendship. All right. Eudaimonia is a Greek word, literally translating to the state or condition of good spirit which is commonly translated as happiness or welfare. Okay. The closest English word is probably flourish; the word flourishing. Aristotle used it as a broad concept to describe the highest good humans could strive [00:01:00] toward or having a life of flourishment; a state of wellbeing is what it is. \\n An example of eudaimonia was like it was achieved through being virtuous; living a virtuous life, \\n[00:01:16] Matt: but isn't that bigger than that?\\n[00:01:18] Fawn: So let me just keep going and we can get into it. So virtue is moral excellence to allow something to act in harmony with its purpose. That's interesting. If you think about it with friendship, allowing something to act in harmony with its purpose. So don't put anything on someone don't put anything on the friendship, just allow it to see what its true purpose is.\\nMaybe this person is not your true friend. What is the purpose of that being in your life? Just look at it objectively. So anyway, let me go on. An example of something virtuous, like having a virtuous life would be an artist or in t"