Celebrating Hitchcocktober with 'Rebecca,' 'Rear Window,' & 'Psycho'

Published: Oct. 7, 2021, 10 a.m.


Happy Hitchcocktober! Sophia and Nick are celebrating by discussing why they think he\\u2019s one of the most daring and legendary directors of all time and diving into three of his best movies that also happened to earn him nominations for Best Director. First, they dream of returning to Manderley again by discussing ghost stories, gothic horror, and toxic romance in Hitchcock\\u2019s only Best Picture winner, Rebecca (12:10). Then, they look into one of his most gripping psychological thrillers in the voyeuristic Rear Window (33:31). Finally, they check in to the Bates Motel and chat about the iconic horror film that launched a thousand slashers, Psycho (50:11). Stay tuned for Twitter poll results and recommendations of other fun Hitchcock films and modern movies they think would make for great double features with these three.

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Music: \\u201cThe Greatest Adventure\\u201d by Jonathan Adamich
