#92: Facebook Ad Targeting 101

Published: Jan. 5, 2016, 8:56 p.m.

b"Let's kick off the New Year with an absolute game changer for\\xa0your business: Facebook ad targeting.\\nSome of you by now have become really good at this. But if you're still struggling to nail\\xa0your Facebook ad strategy, or if you're just getting started in this world, this episode is most definitely for you.\\nI work with a lot of\\xa0business students who are just getting started with Facebook ads or have been dabbling in ads for a while without seeing much success.\\xa0The number one mistake I see them\\xa0making is targeting the wrong people.\\xa0This usually happens for two reasons.\\nSome of my students truly don\\u2019t understand who their avatar is.\\nOthers...the majority, in fact...know who their avatar is, but they just haven\\u2019t dug deep enough to understand them in a way that Facebook ad targeting could make a huge difference for them in their business.Specifically, they haven\\u2019t done the research or\\xa0documented their successes and losses, so they aren\\u2019t really sure what\\u2019s working.\\nHere's what I always remind them:\\xa0when you get really good at Facebook ad targeting, there is no doubt you are going to see some major shifts in the impact you have with your audience and a major increase in your revenue streams.\\nThat's why I've created a roadmap that will let you know exactly where to focus, along with what needs to be on your radar from the get-go. It's really simple--just the way I like it--and it's set up\\xa0so that you can keep adding to it as you learn exactly who your audience is and how to get in front of them. Basically, it's the key\\xa0to\\xa0unlocking\\xa0the most valuable resource in your business.\\nI've put a lot into this\\xa0episode for you, so make sure to\\xa0listen to the whole podcast\\xa0to get everything you need to start the new year off successfully!\\nI've also created a great freebie to help you with this plan--the Facebook Ad Targeting Starter Guide. It's a\\xa0list of\\xa0ten questions that you MUST be able to answer about your audience in order to fully optimize your Facebook ad targeting.\\xa0Grab the special guide by clicking below!\\nEPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Facebook Ads Targeting Starter Guide\\n FREE DOWNLOAD\\nLike I said, you've really got to listen to the whole episode to get\\xa0all this great information I've put together for you. But to outline it for you,\\xa0Facebook ad targeting\\xa0breaks down into four specific opportunities:\\nTargeting Opportunity #1: Target Your Own Audiences\\nTargeting Opportunity #2: Targeting Your Own Facebook Fans\\nTargeting Opportunity #3: Target Other Facebook Pages\\nTargeting Opportunity #4: Creating Lookalike Audiences\\nBe Patient with Yourself\\nFinally, I have to remind you to be patient with yourself. This isn\\u2019t all going to fall into place tomorrow. My goal is to give you a roadmap and a bunch of examples, so you see where you want to go with your Facebook ad targeting and have the skills\\xa0to get there day by day.\\nIn addition to laying out the steps in each targeting opportunity, this podcast episode walks\\xa0you through\\xa0using\\xa0two super-easy research tools that should become second nature to you when you start to dive into Facebook advertising.\\xa0Click here to\\xa0listen to the whole thing now.\\nAnd make sure to download this week's freebie so you can get super-prepared for making the most of your Facebook targeting.\\nEPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Facebook Ads Targeting Starter Guide\\n FREE DOWNLOAD"