OCLC Research Webinar: Global Book Publication: Books as an Expression of Cultural Diversity

Published: Sept. 22, 2010, 5:01 p.m.

In this webinar, OCLC Research Post-Doctoral Researcher Timothy J. Dickey provides an overview of an OCLC Research data mining project that looked at books as expressions of global cultural diversity to provide a global overview of the publishing arts. In this project, researchers considered the overall annual publishing for every country of the world, the libraries that collect and even import a country's works, the "foreign" monographs their libraries import, and the proportion of publications in various official and native languages. These efforts produced a rich data portrait of the global literary arts (as reflected library records in the WorldCat database), with emphasis on cultural literary heritage by country and region and includes a wealth of case studies in single countries' practices in both literary publishing and the preservation of their literary heritage.