Dark City Film Analysis: Occult Evolution of the Mind and the Luciferian Religion

Published: July 15, 2019, 2:37 p.m.

b"Dark City Film Analysis Podcast! Dark City has Illuminati symbolism we have to talk about: Gnosticism, Luciferianism, Aliens, Flat Earth, Westworld & more!
During a recent trip down the Flat Earth rabbit hole I was reminded of a great film I hadn't seen in many years. It was always an intriguing movie for me because of the dark imagery and strange cast of haunting characters. Upon my latest viewing I was shocked at some of the overt occult symbolism that laid before me... Join along as we decode the symbolism behind Dark City...
*This film DEFINITELY has Jennifer Connelly; not Allison Williams!
Images from film I discuss are on IlluminatiWatcher.com: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/dark-city-film-analysis-occult-evolution-of-the-mind-and-the-luciferian-religion/

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