Nuclear hotseat #70: Karl Grossman Demystifies Nuclear Media Manipulation

Published: Oct. 17, 2012, 12:41 a.m.

Journalist Karl Grossman distills 45 years of covering this country's nuclear insanity into a compelling interview with Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy. The gamesmanship started BEFORE Hiroshima and continues to this day; learn how it happened and what we can do about it. PLUS: Greenpeace camps out atop a Swedish nuclear reactor... and nobody notices ; Japan set to again export Kobe beef to US but doesn't mention the "R" word (radiation); Lithuania nixes new nuke plant; citizens set to sue Entergy over destruction of environment; and Indian nuclear industry publishes a glossy coffeetable book showing butterflies in nuclear exclusion zones... but forgot to include the mutations showing up at Fukushima or the fasciation mutations of plants, flowers, fruit, vegetables, animals... and people? Who are these people and what makes us trust that they're sane?