Nuclear Hotseat #63 - BREDL's Lou Zeller on SE Nuke Issues

Published: Aug. 29, 2012, 4:45 p.m.

Interview with Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League Executive Director Lou Zeller on how to grow grassroots activism, southeastern U.S. nuke issues, plus his organizaation's support for the CAN Rally for a Nuclear Free Future. PLUS: Picketing Whales, India's $9 numnutz protection of nukers (say it isn't so!), tsunami debris already hitting Alaska hard, and Katie, the radioactive goat, has died. In a related story, Dominion Resources denies that its Millstone nuclear power plant, only five miles away from Katie's pasture, was the source of the strontium in her milk. By that logic, they would also like to interest you in land speculation in northeast Japan.