Nuclear Hotseat #55 - July 3, 2012 - September CAN Rally in DC

Published: July 4, 2012, 4:05 a.m.

Get the inside scoop on this September's Coalition Against Nukes rally and actions in Washington, D.C. from Dr. Heidi Hutner and Michael Leonardi, long time anti-nuclear activists serving as coordinators for the event. Plus Japanese scientists share earthquake data and dire predictions as KEPCO restarts the Oi reactors; Fukushima Unit 4 a mere gasket failure away from catastrophe, while Unit 1 radiation is so high its dismantling (a 40 year process at best) will require robot technology that has not yet been invented; Federal appellate court sinks Vermont's recent strategy to deny Entergy's Vermont Yankee re-license; Colorado's Rocky Flats $926 million judgment struck down; South Korea bans 35 Japanese seafood products, bringing their total to 64; Contact info from last week's interviewee, environment attorney Susan Hito Shapiro, for anti-nuke lawyers who want to support each other; and evacuation advice from Fukushima to Oi -- also works for the 1/3 of all Americans who live within 50 miles of a nuclear reactor.