Nuclear Hotseat #207: Fukushima Kids, Moms Escaping Radiation

Published: June 10, 2015, 5:42 a.m.

INTERVIEWS: Vicki Nelson, founder of the Hawaii-based nonprofit, Fukushima Friends, Inc., a program that puts Fukushima radiation refugees in people's homes for a stay of up to 3 months or longer, if the visas can be managed. She is joined by Tokiko Noguchi, a participant in the program, who came from Fukushima three months ago with her 10-year-old son, Michael. She speaks through volunteer interpreter Kea Uehara. And Laura and Gichi Inoue run Komoro Homestay, a safe retreat in southwest Japan for Fukushima mothers and small children needing relief from the radiation in their homes and communities. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Fukushima artisanal saki earns 22 Grand Prizes at annual competition. Made with loving care and locally grown rice from fields near the blazingly radioactive nuclear reactor ruins. Best drunk in great quantities by those who made it to help them forget the radiologic nightmare that surrounds them. PLUS: Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) admits record radiation spike in port water from Fukushima Daiichi leak. Japanese government gets pushback for plan to end rent subsidies for some Fukushima evacuees/refugees. Japan plans nuke restarts despite severe volcanic activity less than 50 miles from reactor site. The pro-nuclear International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) releases report that Japan's overconfidence regarding the safety of its nuclear power plants was a major reason behind the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. AND – with all that going on, Japan still plans for nukes to supply 20-22% of all electricity in the country by 2030. What's wrong with this picture?