Nuclear Hotseat #168: Millstone's Unreported Radiation Leak Nancy Burton

Published: Sept. 10, 2014, 6:09 a.m.

INTERVIEW: Nancy Burton, founder of the Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone, on the horrifying history of Connecticut's aging Millstone nuclear power station, on the ongoing dangers posed by owner/operator Dominion Resources' bottom line approach to safety, and the unreported radiation release that happened during the double-reactor shutdown on May 25, 2014. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: The international nuclear industry is so screwed up, it qualifies. I wouldn't buy a used car from these idiots. PLUS: New Mexico's Environment Department Secretary accuses the US Department of Energy of blocking the state's probe of the Feb. 14 accident and radiation leak at the WIPP site in Carlsbad; radiation found in US west coast meat, fish, milk, vegetation... in 2011 and 2012 and they're just getting around to telling us now; Greenpeace activists on trial in France for proving their security's a joke by breaking in and getting 20 activists atop one of the containment buildings; India doesn't get its nuke deal w/Japan, though it does get its uranium deal with Australia; and Chernobyl radiation still showing up in Germany's wild boar.