Epsiode 4: The Fungal Frontier

Published: Sept. 5, 2020, 8:57 p.m.

b"In this episode Caoimhe and Katherine discuss Star Trek: Discovery (Season 1, 2017) the TV show co-created by Bryan Fuller, The Motherless Oven (2014) the comic by Rob Davis, and We Appreciate Power (2018) the song by Grimes. Topics include Xenofeminism, fungus, AI Overlords, and why rationalism is the coward's path.\\n\\nThis episode we made a button!\\nGo here to press it: www.notnot.ie/ai-overlords\\n\\nReferences and Further Reading:\\n\\nMany of our references for this episode were taken from a reading list put together by Virginia Barratt and Petra Kendall for their course 'The Future Is Unmanned' at the New Centre for Research and Practice.\\n\\n6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World \\u2013 Paul Stamets\\n\\nA Cyborg Manifesto \\u2013 Donna Haraway\\n\\nBlack Circuit: Code for the Numbers to Come \\u2013 Amy Ireland\\n\\nCyberfeminsim and Artificial Life \\u2013 Sarah Kember\\n\\nDialectic of Sex \\u2013 Shulamith Firestone\\n\\nThe Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century \\u2013 VNS Matrix\\n\\nI would rather be a Cyborg than a Goddess \\u2013 Jasbir Puar\\n\\nIntelligence Is No Longer On The Side Of Power \\u2013 Matthew Fuller interviews Sadie Plant\\n\\n\\u200bThe Most Terrifying Thought Experiment of All Time \\u2013 Slate\\n\\nOn the Matrix: Cyberfeminist Simulations \\u2013 Sadie Plant\\n\\nSlime Intelligence \\u2013 Elvia Wilk with Jenna Sutela\\n\\nTechnoccult News\\n\\nThe Xenofeminist Manifesto \\u2013 Laboria Cuboniks\\n\\nZeros and Ones \\u2013 Sadie Plant"