Voters and Vaccines: The Politics of Ground Campaigns

Published: July 28, 2021, 12:25 p.m.

b'Whether it\\u2019s trying to convince you to vote for a particular candidate or get vaccinated, the identity of the person who knocks on your door may matter. So who are the people who volunteer to do this canvassing? Are they likely to succeed?\\n \\nThese are all questions that Harvard political scientist Ryan Enos investigates in his paper, \\u201cParty Activists As Campaign Advertisers: The Ground Campaign As A Principal-Agent Problem.\\u201d Using a rare dataset from Obama\\u2019s 2012 presidential campaign, Enos delves into the politics of door to door campaigns, and we try and tease out some lessons for our current efforts to persuade people to get vaccinated. \\n\\nLink To Paper:'