Episode 46 - The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966) Review

Published: Oct. 6, 2020, 4 a.m.

b'\\U0001f3b6\\U0001f3b5Reunited and it feels so good!\\U0001f3b5\\U0001f3b6\\nWelcome back Hitchhikers...it\\u2019s great to be back & it\\u2019s been way too damn long!!! Taking September off wasn\\u2019t the plan, but sometimes you gotta adapt to what\\u2019s going on. We\\u2019re so excited to kick off the spooky season of October with our first of three NHP Halloween Favorites, the King\\u2019s pick for EP. 46, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966)!!! We decided to start the month off light-hearted and crank up the scary as we go on. This King family favorite is basically a Scooby-Doo plot without Scooby-Doo, that stars the legendary Don Knotts as our lovable loser - Luther Heggs. The Mayor has issues with crickets, there\\u2019s Don Knotts impressions, NHP Halloween giveaway news, & shenanigans abound.'