Poured Out on Dry Ground

Published: Feb. 2, 2020, 10:45 p.m.

b"As he prepared to be crucified, Jesus attempted to comfort his disciples by telling them that it is better for him to go so that he can send the Holy Spirit, empowering those who believe in Jesus to do ever GREATER THINGS than Jesus did. Later, Paul writes in Ephesians about the power that God gives to those in Christ so that we might be the body of Christ, doing the things Jesus would do with the power he now gives us in the world today. And yet, we look at the challenges in this world and are terrified and lack hope. It seems this is because we don't expect Jesus to keep his promise that we will do greater things. Perhaps that's because God desires to pour his Spirit out on us and the world and we only ask for a trickle and expect God to say maybe. This pouring out of the Spirit was promised through the Prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Joel, and that promise remains for us today. Are we willing to go where the Spirit leads? Are we ready?"