
Published: Jan. 26, 2020, 3 p.m.


Your ability to foster and maintain quality and meaningful relationships will be one of the most significant factors that will determine success or failure in every area of your life. Relationships are unavoidable. And if you\\u2019re bad at them, you will sabotage friendships, family, career aspirations; literally, everything will be impacted by the quality of relationships in your life.

We want to look at this from a biblical perspective, as we have each of these qualities so far. But first, I want you to see what everyone else is discovering. Leaders in the field of education and leaders in business have realized what Jesus has taught all along; that quality and meaningful relationships are crucial to success.

There are two often sited data points discovered by Gallup after thousands and thousands of interviews with employees. Here\\u2019s what Gallup found:

1. Most often, people don\\u2019t leave jobs. They leave their manager or boss. This is a relationship issue.

Here\\u2019s the second item their research showed:

2. The number one predictor of job satisfaction was determined by an employee\\u2019s relationships at work. If the employee had just one close friend at work, they had a much longer tenure and were far more productive.

Positive relationships and quality connections add value everywhere, and where the relationships are negative, it is a drain everywhere.
