How To Be a Difference Maker

Published: Feb. 16, 2020, 3 p.m.


Your most significant kingdom impact will not necessarily be a what, but a who.

All of us have opportunities to develop the people around us. We may think, well, I'm not a pastor. You might say, I'm not some prominent leader in some significant leadership position, but all of us have different relationships where we can make a difference. Whether you're the boss of your company or department, a coach or a teacher, a parent, grandparent, brother, or sister, perhaps you lead a Bible study, still all of us have an opportunity to be a difference-maker by developing the people around us.

Who's going to be a better version of themselves because you came into their life? Who's going to be more effective in what they do? Who will still be in the game a year from now, three years from now, five years from now, simply because you chose to encourage them to never give up?

If you find yourself saying, I can't make a difference, this message is for you. Pastor Scotty's scriptural study isn't on the most notable figures in scripture, because you may look at that and think, "I could never lead like Paul. I could never develop like Moses." Instead, we're taking a look at an individual that you may know little about, but from whom you can learn a lot.
