Can Australia benefit from adapting Nordic policies? |Professor Andrew Scott, Nordic Policy Centre, the Australian Institute

Published: Sept. 30, 2021, 5:13 a.m.


Eps 30

I was delighted to learn that there is a Nordic Policy Centre in Australia. (How did I miss this?)

It is a think tank formed by the Canberra-based Australia Institute. It investigates the effective, progressive social and economic policies of the Nordic countries and how they might work in Australia.\\xa0

My guest is the Inaugural Convenor of the Nordic Policy Centre, Professor Andrew Scott, who has been investigating Nordic policies (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) for over 10 years. We discuss the aims of the Centre and his new book, The Nordic Edge, which he has co-authored. The book explores Nordic policies and the possibilities they provide to overcome some of Australia\'s big problems.\\xa0

Topics we discuss include climate and energy, work/life balance, independent foreign policy, prison reform and retraining for workforce participation. We also dig into more detail on the benefits of high Nordic taxes, gender equality and media diversity. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much I did.\\xa0

You will learn from Professor Scott\\xa0

  • Policies that have made Nordic societies effective and successful\\xa0
  • The differences between Nordic and Australian thinking\\xa0\\xa0
  • How COVID has made Australia more Nordic\\xa0

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The Nordic Edge

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Professor Andrew Scott

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