Knowing When To Shelter Children

Published: Nov. 23, 2020, 10:06 p.m.

b'Our children will not gain strength if we protect them from such things as...\\nKnowing how much you love them\\nThe acknowledgment of your own imperfections and mistakes\\nChallenges\\nHard work\\nDecision Making\\nSacrifice\\nNecessary Confrontations/Standing Alone\\nConsequences\\nNoticing the consequences of sin in other\\u2019s lives\\nFalse teachings (Compare instead what man says to what God says in scripture)\\nPeople from other ethnicities or cultures or other income levels\\nPeople who are grieving or people who are dying\\n...and of course wise parents much mindfully select when it is safe and compassionate in the above circumstances to bear the weight of the situation...\\nBut does God recommend exposing our kids to the evils of the world in order to somehow build some kind of immunity?\\u201d \\xa0Actually, God says \\u201cDo not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals." 1 Corinthians 15:33 and \\xa0\\u201cHe who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.\\u201d Proverbs 13:20\\nOf course, no amount of sheltering takes away the free will of a child, but with some creativity, \\xa0one can provide for their children a very active social life while putting forth our most conscientious efforts to provide an environment where souls can flourish.'