Share Your Voice + a Replay: Privilege + Nomading

Published: Sept. 11, 2018, 11:55 p.m.


Go to our voice memo page to share your thoughts about visiting home and family as a digital nomad!

And now, let\'s replay one of our favorite episodes, in which we talk about privilege in the nomad world!

  • \\u201cAnyone can be a digital nomad if they try hard enough\\u201d - can they though?
  • We hear from Chrys, Pauline and LaToya, who wade into the waters of digital nomad privilege
  • Privilege 101: we all have some kind of privilege over someone else
  • We quote from White privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
  • We dig into all the ways we can think of that we have privilege. Strap in!
  • BTW, we allude to but don\\u2019t specifically address the issue of straight privilege. (But we know we\\u2019ve got it!)


Extra resources:

Syllabus for White People to Educate Themselves

Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is

Intersectionality 101

\\u2026 and so many more


Send us your thoughts on privilege! Send us a voice memo or an email to, or say hi on Twitter and Facebook. Please take a minute to subscribe and rate us on iTunes!


The Nomad + Spice theme tune is Yellow Sea by the luminous Madame Gandhi
