Being a Queer Digital Nomad

Published: April 29, 2019, 10:40 p.m.


  • TWIST! Our guest hosts are Hannah Dixon and Nicole Abramowski!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!
  • Lynn & Alba have our first voice memo focusing on having to come out to everyone you meet while travelling
  • Sam talks about language and coming out to clients
  • Kyrie offers her perspective on labels and dating on the road and introduces the classic U-Haul joke
  • Chrys deep dives into the intricacies of dating as a queer nomad
  • Esther reveals more of the difficulties of dating
  • Apps: Grindr is available for queer men, but Her is one of the few lesbian-focused apps
  • Tristan mentions 7in7 for meeting other queer nomads but how few gay men are in the community
  • Nicole talks about her community, Queer Women* Digital Nomads
  • Janice points out the gap between talk and action when it comes to diversity and inclusion
  • Need amazing stock images for diversity? Head to!
  • Nat shares a unique experience from the road
  • Hannah and Nicole end on an actionable list of ways for straights to be good allies and for queer people to find their community! (Including joining


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