Science Comics, FDA Greenlit & Critical Role

Published: June 23, 2020, 6:31 a.m.

Finally, a way to read comics in class without your teacher complaining! Real life scientists are producing educational comics to teach cool science stuff. And they're FREE! Check them out, they have some pretty good explanations for a bunch of different topics.

The FDA has recognised the ability of video games to help with therapy and greenlit a game for treating ADHD suffers. I can't wait for a game to help you deal with idiots, but we'll get there one day.

Where did Matt Mercer's Vox Machina come from? Now you can read both of the first two seasons of the Critical Role prequels in a hardback omnibus. Wait, didn't we already do comics this week? Oops. Anyway, watch Critical Role. It's really good.

This week, Professor took to the skies in Sky Rogue and DJ set us up the bomb in Valorant.

Real Life Scientists making comics




A video game for kids with ADHD is greenlit by the FDA


Dark Horse to Release 'Critical Role' Hardcover Omnibus


Games Played


– Sky Rogue -

Rating: 3.5/5


– Valorant –

Rating: 3/5

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