End Times Series SYNOPSIS 2017-2024

Published: Feb. 27, 2021, 8:49 p.m.

End Times Series SYNOPSIS 2017-2024 - Are we in the Last Seven Years? And it's not what the MAINSTREAM church thought? These PODCASTS are based on Ancient Hebrew interpretation of the Scriptures and Daniel's 70th week beginning 2017... I will be loading up NEW PODCASTS with current event info in this series.

This SERIES are videos I've posted on MYSTIKCENTER Youtube and Rumble, so they may not translate into PODCASTS sometimes there may be images missing I don't explain verbally-- but I hope you will be able to learn and understand the times we are in. For more info follow my blog Laurimatissestudio.com and www.calculatingthelastseven.com

View on Youtube: This is the Synopsis and complete Playlist should follow:


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Playlist: https://tinyurl.com/wh4nhu3

Are we in the Last Week of Daniel? - starting in 2017

The Last Week of Daniel, (Last Seven Years), I believe started at the Feast of Sukkot 2017 right after the Great Revelation 12:1 Sign which appeared on September 23, 2017. (We are in the corrected Hebrew Calendar Year 6021.)

To view my End Times 101 Series on Youtube:

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZMTk5NJIvS6VTEcSsgl8qdAFAbQvNNRf

Corrected Hebrew Calendar Link:


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