Let Your Mind Go!

Published: June 11, 2023, 7 a.m.

To consistently dwell in a state of joy and happiness, we need to learn how to let our minds go.  Thomas and Lisa discuss this important process. Here are some of their key points.  Mysticism is a pathway to transformation and awakening. It can help us to connect with the Divine, experience a sense of unity and interconnectedness, and reach a heightened state of consciousness. One of the key practices of mysticism is to get out of the mind. This means letting go of our thoughts, beliefs, and ego-driven behavior. When we can do this, we open ourselves to a deeper awareness and experience. The lower mind, or ego, is the part of us that is constantly thinking, judging, and comparing. It is the source of our fears, doubts, and limitations. Conversely, the upper mind is the part of us that is still and present. It is the source of our intuition, creativity, and compassion. The goal of mysticism is to shift our awareness from the lower mind to the upper mind. When we do this, we can experience a sense of peace, joy, and love beyond anything we can imagine. Many people interpret spiritual teachings through the lens of their ego, which can lead to misunderstanding and conflict. The ego is the part of us that is constantly judging, comparing, and trying to control. It is the source of our fears, doubts, and limitations. On the other hand, the higher mind is the part of us that is still, present, and open. It is the source of our intuition, creativity, and compassion. To move from the ego to the higher mind, we need to learn to witness our thoughts and emotions without judgment. We also need to practice non-reactivity, which means not reacting to things that happen in the world. When we can do this, we open ourselves to a deeper awareness and experience. We can see the world through a new lens and connect with the Divine in a way that was impossible before. The egoic mind is constantly judging, comparing, and trying to control. It is the source of our fears, doubts, and limitations. When we are in the egoic mind, we are reactive and often feel anger, doubt, fear, and contentiousness. The way to move beyond the egoic mind is to witness our thoughts and emotions without judgment. We can do this by staying calm, present, and open to the wisdom of our hearts. We are more peaceful, compassionate, and understanding when we are in the heart. We are also more open to receiving guidance from the Divine. Our thoughts are not our friends. They are often based on our ego, the part of us constantly judging, comparing, and trying to control. When we are caught up in our thoughts, we can become reactive and angry. We can also become fearful and doubt our abilities. The way to overcome our egoic thoughts is to witness them without judgment. We can do this by observing our thoughts and feelings without getting caught up. When we witness our thoughts without judgment, we can begin to see them for what they are: just thoughts. We can then choose to let them go and focus on the present moment. By practicing this simple technique, we can begin to free ourselves from the ego and live a more peaceful and joyful life. ~~ Do you want to be a guest on Mystical Lodge Radio or inquire about a personal reading? Write to Thomas at bthomas@mysticallodge.com. Thomas invites you to visit his website and read his book Escaping Boot Camp Earth, available at your favorite online bookseller. Lisa Wetsel invites you to learn more about Akashic Records and how they can help you. Visit her website for appointments and more information.