Knowing Whats True for You

Published: Nov. 4, 2019, 7 a.m.

When you first begin learning about lightwork, you'll likely run into family, friends, and those who think they know better than you about what you should know and believe. The mystical path is very threatening to some--because for those who awaken nothing is ever what it once was.  In this episode Brother Thomas and Patti Stice discuss how to decide what things are right and true for you. Visit our websites: Spiritus Lumine and Sacred Circle Academy You may write to Brother Thomas at or Patti Stice at Podcast Cover Art: The fresco in the conch of the baptistery, Zica Monastery, Serbia picture used by permission of Creative Commons This file is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Music Suspended animation by Livio Amato is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.