A Mystical View of Reality

Published: June 18, 2023, 11:47 a.m.

Reality is more than objective truth you can experience with your five senses. A reality behind our senses allows us to share the truth of our essence based on unity, oneness, transcendent experiences, and the shedding of our ego. In the conventional sense, reality refers to how things truly exist in the world, independent of our thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, or interpretations. As perceived by individuals, reality is subjective and influenced by their own interpretations and mental filters. The consciousness of reality in the universe encompasses everything that exists, flowing together as one, beyond the interpretations of the mind. The truth of reality lies within each human being, beyond the mind’s creations and interpretations. Reality can be compared to a prism that filters the pure light of truth, resulting in distorted perceptions and understanding. Our understanding of reality is often distorted, and we continuously approximate the truth without fully grasping it. There are different ways of understanding reality, including objective truth, subjective truth based on experiences and perspectives, and experiential truth influenced by past experiences. Our beliefs, senses, and experiences have been contaminated by the mind’s interpretations, often driven by fear, greed, passion, and self-preservation. Connecting with our essence, our true nature, and going beyond the mind can lead to a deeper understanding of reality. Objective truth consists of evidence, facts, opinions, and beliefs, while subjective truth arises from personal experiences and perspectives. Past experiences shape experiential truth and can change over time, revealing a greater truth. Constructed truth is a subjective truth created by the mind based on personal circumstances and interpretations. Failures, endings of relationships, and perceived bad choices can carry meaningful lessons and opportunities for growth, challenging the constructed truth of loss. Perceiving oneself as failing or making bad choices may redirect you toward a different path. Mystics perceive reality as a unified whole where everything is interconnected. The universe’s interconnectedness is compared to a spider web, where every object and phenomenon is tied together. Actions and intentions impact the interconnectedness of all beings and contribute to the enlightenment or suffering of the planet. Mystics believe in a connection to Divine energy or a higher power transcending the physical world. Ordinary individuals who rely solely on their senses limit their understanding of reality, while mystics believe in something beyond the physical senses. Mystics emphasize recognizing individuals’ interconnectedness and the heart’s role in understanding reality. Transcendental experiences, such as meditation or spiritual practices, are valued by mystics as ways to connect with the Divine and explore altered states of consciousness. Mystics emphasize the need to get out of the mind and connect with the heart to align with one’s core essence and find joy, peace, and contentment. The concept of time and space is perceived differently by mystics, who view reality as infinity and a continuous state of being rather than limited by physical constraints. Mystics aim to transcend the ego and its self-centered, identity-driven perspectives to align with their core essence as Divine beings. Mystics believe in personal transformation as part of their purpose and embrace paradox, understanding that seemingly contradictory perspectives can both be valid. The ultimate reality for mystics is peace, bliss, love, joy, and compassion, even in the face of challenges, as they align with their true essence and the power of the All That Is. ~~ Do you want to be a guest on Mystical Lodge Radio or inquire about a personal reading? Write to Thomas at bthomas@mysticallodge.com. Thomas invites you to visit his website and read his book Escaping Boot Camp Earth, available at your favorite online bookseller.