The Port Gamble Ghost Conference & Attractions

Published: Oct. 31, 2019, 2 a.m.

The night before Halloween, Wendy and June talk with Pete Orbea, Mary Bethune, and Michael White, Casey Goodwin & Ben Robison - from the group 'The League of Extrasensory Gentlemen' - about Port Gamble’s Famous Haunts, Ghost Conference, Psychic Gallery Readings, Port Gamble Ghost Walks, and more!!

7:00 pm Pacific, 9:00 pm Central, 10:00 pm Eastern!

Links to Listen and/or Chat:

About Pete:
Hello, my name is Pete Orbea and I have the pleasure of working in the historic town of Port Gamble. I love leading the popular Ghost Walks, Special Investigations and coordinating the Port Gamble Ghost Conference which has given me the opportunity to develop my skills for communicating with, and investigating the paranormal...
Read more about Pete on the Mystic Moon Cafe website..

About Mary:
Mary Bethune has been a case manager, investigator and researcher for Team OPPS, a local paranormal team for 10 years. She has been an avid afterlife, ITC researcher for the last 11 years. Mary experiences prophetic dreams, has seen full body apparitions, and heard spirits from a young age. She is currently working with the North American Station, a contact group on the other side and is a member of Afterlife Research and Education Institute . She is certified as a Induced AfterDeath Communication practitioner. Her passion is to help those in grief to realize we do not die.

About Casey Goodwin:
As a teenager, I was drawn to the mysterious and the obscure, spending long evenings exploring abandoned homes with sordid pasts, as well as other notorious locations in and around his home in Southern California. After relocating to Oregon in 1994, my interest in the unexplained continued to flourish, eventually leading me to co-found Oregon Paranormal in 2009, with the express purpose of conducting related exploration in and around the Pacific Northwest through data collection and analysis, historical research, documentation, education, and collaborative efforts with like-minded teams and independent researchers. Through my work, carried out with both sensitivity and respect, I have helped many families and individuals struggling to comprehend the oft incomprehensible.

About Ben:
Born in the Pacific Northwest during the late 70's, Ben Robison grew up exposed to ghosts, UFO's and Bigfoot. Whether it was the home he lived in that was haunted, the many shared stories of aliens that his father spoke of, or seeing first hand what he believes was a Sasquatch up in the Olympic Peninsula, it would seem that Ben had anything but a regular upbringing. As a result of this, the things that aren't so regular are what intrigue Ben. Like so many other people out there, Ben experienced something so profound and unimaginable that he was left with only one option...look at it closer. That is why he founded the Autonomous Studies of the Enigmatic & Paranormal. Being a tech-head by trade, he coupled this with his practical / sensible way of thinking, which in turn gave Ben a logical method towards investigating paranormal events. We all have questions, and Ben's aim is to try to offer some answers by taking a scientific approach with a healthy dose of skepticism with regards to his research of the paranormal and enigmatic.

About Port Gamble Paranormal Conference
A three day conference (Nov. 8-Nov. 10, 2019) with classes, panel discussions, tours and investigations of the paranormal in Port Gamble, WA.

Investigations are $10/ea (Walker-Ames/Masonic Lodge $20, Limit 16 people per investigation time slot). Tickets may be purchased online, or at the Conference Registrations Table during conference hours and will be served on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Classes are $15/ea. Tickets may be purchased online, or at the Conference Registration Table during conference hours.

Daytime activities including speakers and most classes will be held at The Point Casino & Hotel. For conference questions, call Port Gamble Weddings & Events at 360-297-8074.


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Contact Mystic Moon Cafe and/or Wendy's Magickal Studies at::
Twitter: @MysticMoonCafe1

Mystic Moon Cafe Radio hosts bring a variety of guests to talk about paranormal phenomenon, cryptozoology, ghost hunting, favorite authors on many topics - fiction, conspiracy theory, and fact, featured music artists, and more!