Denise Pridemore on Mystic Moon Cafe

Published: March 7, 2019, 2:58 a.m.

Tonight we have paranormal investigator, podcast/internet radio show hostess, and more, Denise Pridemore!

Denise Pridemore is originally from Baltimore and lived in Virginia, New Jersey, Arkansas, Missouri and settled in Eastern Kansas. She has been having paranormal experiences since her earliest memories. She has a lifetime of experiences paranormal, intuitive, and real life. She has been seeking answers to the paranormal since she can remember, but recalls a time when talking about the paranormal, premonitions, and supernatural phenomenon was taboo. “Don’t talk about that stuff, people will think you are nuts. They will lock you up!”
Denise and her husband, Ron, decided they wanted to start investigating, and their daughters were all interested, as well. They talked about it for years after going on multiple ghost tours, and public investigations, in 2009 they made it official, after a family reunion trip to Iowa. They had always wanted to go to the Villisca Axe Murder House, especially after seeing it on “Most Terrifying Places in America.” Due to the Missouri River flooding they were sent on a detour, through the back roads, and came across Clarinda, IA. “How far is Villisca from Red Oak?” Denise asked. Ron, “Has to be up north, I don’t ever recall seeing it.” Three minutes later they see a sign, “Villisca 9 miles.” They stopped and took a couple pictures with the intention to see if they could see it on the return trip home. They went on to the family reunion and shared the creepy photo from Villisca and that was when they found out that Oren Jackson, the sheriff during the Villisca murders was Ron’s great Grandmother’s brother. They went back on Sunday, met Darwin Linn and Johnny Houser, and they shared with them the photo from the trial with Oren Jackson. That day, the whole family had experiences that changed their lives. Lauren, their third daughter, saw a full body apparition walk past her into the attic from the parents’ bedroom. Leigha, their youngest, heard children talking and felt like she made friends with Lena. Denise had a connection with the mother and something dark, she assumed it was the killer. Ron witnessed changes in his family that he had never seen before, he is a skeptic and did not understand, but was completely intrigued. Pridemore Paranormal was started as soon as they came home and they have been busy ever since.
Denise and Ron were volunteers for the Atchison Kansas Chamber of Commerce during their Haunted Season, September through the first week of November at the Infamous Sallie House from 2012 to 2017 (6 seasons). They also hosted public investigations at the PepperMill Restaurant, formerly known as the River House, former brothel. Due to the experiences Denise has had at the Sallie House, she was asked to be on Ghost Adventures to give the guys a tour. That was a very interesting experience for Denise and has brought her some local and national popularity. They currently volunteers at the Historic McPike Mansion in Alton, Il, and Co-Host of Spook Show Con 2019 in DeKalb, Il. Denise has been the host of the Paranormal Pride Radio since April 2015, currently on in Birmingham, Alabama Mondays 7 pm central, 8 pm eastern.
Denise and Ron have been guest investigators at many places from Virginia to Nevada, but not limited to the locations listed.
Goldfield Hotel, Goldfield, NV; Miztpah Hotel, Tonapah, NV; Buffalo Trace Distillery, Frankfort, KY; Gretna Virginia Cemetery, The Grave of Octavia Hatcher, Pikeville, KY; Belvoir Winery, Liberty, MO; The 1859 Jail and Marshall’s Museum, Independence, MO; and The Pythian Castle, Springfield, MO; Carroll Mansion, Leavenworth, KS. Not to forget the Sallie House, Villisca Ax Murder House and McPike Mansion.
Denise and Ron, have 4 daughters, 2 grandchildren, 5 cats and many, many honorary family members and children gained from our friendships made in the paranormal.

The Paranormal Pride FB page:
Pridemore Paranormal FB page: