Becky Ray of Ghost A Go - Go

Published: June 8, 2017, 1:18 a.m.

B i o g r a p h y
Becky Ray has had an interest in the paranormal as long as she has had memories. She has been actively investigating the unknown for over 30 years and is a founding member of the team Paranormal Activity Investigators.

Becky's knowledge of the paranormal has been featured on NPR, in the Wall Street Journal, and on several local media outlets including radio, television, and print.

Growing up in Oklahoma Becky received her BA in Speech/Theater from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. After college she moved to California for several years before moving to the Kansas City Metro area. She continues to work in broadcasting and was the co-host of the podcast "The Darker Side of the Moon." Becky is also a comedic performance artist and occasionally still performs burlesque.

Ghosts a Go-Go with Becky Ray is an evening of live paranormal storytelling, performances, and games.
Sometimes scary, sometimes funny, sometimes unbelievable, storytellers from all walks of life share their experiences in this show's informal setting.

Becky Ray is a Paranormal Researcher and Investigator presently located in the Kansas City area. She is a founding member of the local group Paranormal Activity Investigators.

"I like to think of myself as a skeptic, in that I have an open mind. I do not go into an investigation with any preset ideas of what I may or may not find. Of course I'd love to be able to authenticate all rumored hauntings and ghost lore, but that just isn't realistic. At the same time, just because I did not witness or have any findings of paranormal activity in a location, I accept that others may have experienced something.
I never consider any investigation closed. I have over 20 years of paranormal research experience and happily admit that I have changed my mind about numerous things in the area when presented with new evidence."

In addition to her work in the paranormal field Becky was the co-host of the podcast Darker Side of the Moon and is a founding member of the Kansas City Society of Burlesque.

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