Ep. 422: Should the Rainbow Help Quell Fears About Global Warming?

Published: Oct. 31, 2022, 1:50 a.m.


Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:

  • Chassidus Applied to Lech Lecha and Zayin CheshvanWhat is the meaning of the statement that Parshas Noach is a melancholy week, but the end of the week is joyous due to the birth of Abraham; but the true joyous week is Lech Lecha, when we live with Abraham all week long?
    \\nWhat can Abraham teach us today about dealing with our confusing times?
    \\nWhat do we learn from the 7th of Cheshvan when the last Jews returned home after the holidays?
    \\nWhat did Malkizedek do wrong by blessing Avraham before blessing G-d?
    \\nIs our connection to the Patriarchs physical or spiritual?
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  • Chassidus applied to BereishisDoes Bereishis barah Elokim mean that in the beginning concealment (from the name Elokim) was created?
    \\nWhat is the connection between the ten sefiros and the ten maamaros?
    \\nAre there maamarim that explain the rakiya? Why was it necessary and what practical lessons do we take from it?
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  • Chassidus applied to NoachWhat exactly happened during and after the flood for Hashem to change the rule and now allow the consumption of meat?
    \\nAre we able to quell our fears about global warming by remembering G-d's covenant of the rainbow?
    \\nIf the flood eradicated evil from the world, how is it possible that Noach\\u2019s offspring could sin and build the Tower of Babel?
    \\nWhy was it a sin to build the Tower of Babel?
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  • What are your thoughts on the Miami Boys Choir going viral on social media?
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  • Should we vote for a Jewish candidate for governor who is married to a non-Jew?
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  • Can someone with severe PTSD use a phone on Shabbos?
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