Ep. 400: How Can a Torah Observant Jew Be Obnoxious?

Published: May 2, 2022, 1:05 a.m.


Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:

  • Chassidus Applied to the month of IyarWhat energy and message does this month contain?
    \\nWhat are the different acronyms of Iyar?
    \\nWhat is true health and true healing?
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  • Lessons from Parshas KedoshimWhat is holiness?
    \\nHow is it different than goodness?
    \\nWhat does the Kedoshim add to all the many other verses where we are told to sanctify ourselves?
    \\nHow can a Torah observant Jew be obnoxious?
    \\nWhy is love the \\u201centire Torah\\u201d when many mitzvos are between man and G-d?
    \\nIs eating and sleeping l\\u2019shem shomayim a mitzva equal to mitzvos like tefillin, shabbos and kashrus, because it falls under kedoshim ti\\u2019hiyu?
    \\nHow can the Torah speak negatively about people when there is a prohibition of loshon hara?
    \\nWill committing not to sacrifice our children to Moloch help us have children?
    \\nWhat do we learn from pigul?
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  • How do I explain to my children why we can't attend a Yom Ha\\u2019atzmaut event?
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  • How do I honor my mother who just passed away?
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  • Why isn\\u2019t music used more often in shuls and Jewish institutions?
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  • Chassidus question: Can we be as holy as G-d?
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