Ep. 379: What Should We Do About an Abusive Educator? Duration

Published: Nov. 17, 2021, 12:59 a.m.


Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:


Chassidus applied to Yud Kislev 


What is the significance of this day and what can we learn from it? 


How is the geulah of the Mitteler Rebbe different than that of the Alter Rebbe? 


Lessons from Vayishlach 


How does the theme of this parsha play itself out in history, and especially in our lives today? 


What do we learn from Yaakov\\u2019s confrontation with Esau? 


Why did Yaakov prepare for war with Esau and not trust that G-d would protect him? 


If Yaakov kept all 613 commandments, how could he marry two sisters, which is clearly against Torah law?   


What is the significance of Yaakov\\u2019s name being changed to Yisrael? Why didn't his parents give him that name?  


If a child\\u2019s name is determined by parents who have a mini-prophecy, why does G-d sometimes change a name?  


Why did the angel wrestle with Yaakov and injure his hip? 


Can it be said that Reuven is worse than Esau?  


Was Dinah in any way at fault for what happened to her? 


What do we know about the enigmatic Dinah? 


Why is it that so many important stories are omitted from the Written Torah while other seemingly minor stories are mentioned explicitly in detail? 


Why are there almost no details about Abraham\\u2019s early life in the Torah? 


In general, how does the Torah decide which details to include in every narrative? 


What should we do about an abusive educator? 


Chassidus question: What does Tanya mean that our Torah / Tefilah reaches a certain world/reality and that different parts of Torah stem from different worlds? What does that practically mean for us? 
