Ep. 368: Did the Rebbe Comment on the Crown Heights Riots 30 Years Ago?

Published: Aug. 23, 2021, 6:27 p.m.


Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:


Chassidus applied to Chai Elul


What can we learn from this day?


Is it significant that the Baal Shem Tov was born on Elul?


What was the Baal Shem Tov\\u2019s main teachings?


Why was there so much opposition to the Baal Shem Tov?


Is there a similarity between the Besht\\u2019s teaching that all Jews are equal in the eyes of G-d to l\\u2019havdil the elimination of class distinctions in socialism?


Who was Achiyoh Hashiloni and what connection did he have with being the teacher of the Besht?


Why were there groups of hidden tzaddikim? Doesn\\u2019t it seem inappropriate to deprive people of their greatness?


Are shluchim fulfilling the words of Moshiach to the Besht?


Are all Besht legends true?


Did the Besht eliminate demons?


What\\u2019s the story with the Maharal and the Golem, and the Frierdiker Rebbe visiting the shul in Prague to see the Golem\\u2019s remains?


Lessons from 15 Elul: 124th anniversary of the founding of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim 


What does it mean to be a tamim?


Lessons from Ki Tavo


Selichos: When we say "Machnisei rachamim, hachnisu rachameinu" whom are we addressing and what are we asking to be done? 


Did the Rebbe comment on the Crown Heights riots 30 years ago?


Is there a connection between Covid and dibbuk (covid in reverse)?


Is flood damage from a big storm or hurricane bad in and of itself, or is the bad due to too much chesed and a lack of gevurah?


Follow-up: Why would the Torah allow a husband to abuse his power of withholding a get? Mamzeirim.


Chassidus question: Why do we exist?
