Coryelle Kramer Pet comunicator ( among all things spiritual)

Published: Jan. 14, 2020, 1:32 a.m.

Hi This is Kevin, you have no idea how much I enjoyed this interview! Coreyelle is delightful, funny and most importantly wonderfully gifted! She connected me with my beloved Crockett as well as helped me understand my health issues. She has my complete endorsement as someone that can truly help you! 

Coryelle has professionally been connecting and speaking with the Divine, animals and spirits for over 2 decades and before that since she was a child. She is a naturally gifted psychic, animal communicator and healer; as well as being a descendant of both the Navajo & Seminole Indian tribes. Her life’s purpose is “Divination” (to connect, foresee, and to be inspired by The Universe) by communicating with those in spirit, her own guides and your animals in order for you to discover the answers they have for you, she achieves this. What has makes her heart sing has been doing her life’s work; being a conduit for the Animals, Spirits, and Divinity. She is constantly striving to gain deeper connections, insights and knowledge from the Divine as well as discovering new ways to raise her vibrations and help others to raise theirs. The testimonials from her clients speak for themselves. She is also a co-author of the book “365 Days Of Angel Prayers”. Her channeled prayer from Archangel Uriel can be found on March 11th. In her work she uses such tools as empathic abilities to reveal health issues (in all beings), her own brand of powerful Energetic Healing that is uniquely hers and that she has developed, clairvoyant abilities & Angel connections to receive information, messages and guidance for her clients. She is passionate for showing people how to connect to their own intuitive abilities and raise their vibration to entirely new levels; to show them how to connect both to spirit, Divine, this planet and animals as she has.