Small Town Pagan Episode

Published: Oct. 22, 2022, 2:30 a.m.

What it's All About:

Small town Pagans are people who live in small rural communities. A lot of these Pagans live solitary lifestyles and don't have anyone to socialize with, so they find community online or go to small festivals. Small town Pagans are just as much a part of the Pagan community as anybody else. They're still part of the global movement even if they don't go to every event or connect with everyone they'd like. I'll be discussing that and more in this podcast. The Spirit Guide of the Week is Rat and the Dream Symbols are New, News, and Newspaper.

Songs Featured:

  1. Nottamum Town by Kate Price
  2. This Town is Wrong by Hecate’s Wheel
  3. I Am Pagan by Spiral Rhythm
  4. Children’s Totem Chant by Spiral Rhythm
  5. Heretic Heart by Catherine Madsen
  6. New Forest by Three Weird Sisters
  7. Guided Meditation of Release by Meditation Practice
  8. I Release by Alicia Bonnet and the New Moon Singers
  9. Pagan Born by Inkubus Succubus

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