Narcissism in Paganism Episode

Published: Oct. 8, 2022, 3:03 a.m.

What it's All About:

Back to our regularly scheduled program. Narcissism is every, even in the pagan community. The allure of Neo-Paganism is partly due to its emphasis on community and inclusivity. However, an emphasis on community also requires an ability to put oneself second—or at least be open to doing so—and this can be difficult for those with narcissistic tendencies. Many Pagans see Neo-Paganism as a safe space where they can be their true selves without judgment or fear of reprisal; however, this can be hard for those with narcissistic tendencies because they crave praise and adulation from other people. And some of these narcissists can be quite successful in the Pagan community by becoming leaders and teachers. But this is dangerous. I will explore this topic in more detail in the podcast. You can probably guess who the spirit guide of the week is. I am going to mention them here. However, the dream symbols are Immolation, Instrument, and Iron.

Songs Featured:

  1. As I Mee Walked by Libana
  2. I Am Taliesin by Arthur Hind
  3. Save Me by Alexian
  4. Narcissus by Cynthia McQuillin
  5. Witch War by Loke E. Coyote
  6. Fire and the Mountain by Krista Chapman Green
  7. The Fairy Queen by OMNIA
  8. Before My Eyes by Mojo Kemp

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