Layne Norton on Mini-Cuts and Mini-Bulks

Published: April 5, 2019, 1 p.m.


As you\\u2019ve probably guessed, these are shorter-than-usual cuts and bulks, normally in the range of three to four weeks, and in this podcast, Layne and I talk about how well they work.

Are they worth the trouble or should you just stick to the traditional bodybuilding approach of \\u201clean bulking\\u201d until you\\u2019re uncomfortably fat, cutting until you can see your abs again, and then repeating?

That\\u2019s the question we answer in today\\u2019s interview, where we share what we\\u2019ve learned from our experiences with our own physiques as well as the thousands of people that we\\u2019ve worked with over the years.

So, if you want to know the pros and cons of continuous versus intermittent lean bulking and cutting and what\\u2019s probably going to be best for you, keep listening.

8:25 - Is it better to do longer or shorter periods of bulking/cutting?

13:30 - Should women do mini-cuts?

18:00 - What are the benefits of implementing diet breaks while cutting?

24:10 - What\\u2019s the body\\u2019s evolutionary response to caloric restriction?

28:00 - Is exercise a good means for fat loss or not?

32:46 - Do you think eating nutritionally bankrupt food increases the desire for more food?

42:20 - Should someone follow the carnivore diet?

54:45 - Should someone cut or bulk if they\\u2019re brand new to weightlifting and at a high body fat percentage?

57:35 - Where can people find you and your work?

Mentioned on The Show:

Triumph Multivitamin:

Layne\\u2019s Website:

Fat Loss Forever:

The Complete Contest Prep Guide:

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