How to Use Portion Control to Lose Weight For Good

Published: April 1, 2020, 7 a.m.


Weight loss advice has been muddled for decades now.

For example, in the 90\\u2019s, we were told that all we had to do to get the body of our dreams is eat as little dietary fat as possible.

That didn\\u2019t work.

Now we\\u2019re being told we can eat a snootful of fat every day so long as we restrict our carbohydrate and sugar intake.

That\\u2019s not working, either.

Hormones\\u2026artificial sweeteners\\u2026chemicals and \\u201ctoxins\\u201d\\u2026genetically modified foods\\u2026wheat and gluten\\u2026they\\u2019re all to blame for our collective fatness, according to one \\u201cguru\\u201d or another.

And the weight loss solutions they offer?

Restrictive dieting, of course, which, in many cases, means facing down a short list of what you can eat with everything else being strictly verboten.

Ironically, and fortunately for you, they\\u2019re all missing the forest for the trees.

You see, losing weight is much simpler than you\\u2019ve been led to believe, and in this podcast, we\\u2019re going to talk about a weight loss and maintenance strategy that not only makes sense and is supported by good science, but actually works in the real world: portion control.

The reason portion control works is simple. It strikes at the heart of why our weight changes for better or worse, which is the fact the quantity, not quality, of the food we eat matters most.

Yes, when we\\u2019re talking weight, what we eat matters much less than how much.

Couple that with the fact that people\\u2019s overall food portion sizes keep getting bigger, leading them to passively eat more and more calories, and it\\u2019s no wonder that obesity rates are rising faster than a Viagra erection.

Research shows that portion size is one of the strongest environmental factors contributing to weight gain, and by the end of this podcast, you\\u2019re going to know why, how it works, and how to use it as a tool for not just losing weight but preventing unwanted weight gain as well.

Let\\u2019s get started.

5:08 - Why does portion control matter?
8:51 - Why do we accidentally overeat?
16:51 - How do internal cues cause overeating?
21:44 - How can I use portion control to my advantage?
28:20 - How can I apply portion control at restaurants?


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