Ep. 20 — Finding Freedom + Community Inside our Stories with You, Our Listeners

Published: Dec. 10, 2019, 10 a.m.

Today Dani introduces a new segment to the show called Speak. Speak is where you listeners get to call or write in and share your own unique stories and hidden truths as—as Dani says at the beginning of each episode—these stories are what help us to connect to one another.

Today you will hear stories from two of our listeners. These stories are deeply impactful + profound + really help us to access the knowing that we are never alone in our darkness. This episode is perfect for anyone craving a community of support + who's ready to begin the journey of truth work and transparency.  Without further ado, let's move on to the show!

Submit Your Story:
Email me at hello@honeysuckleandmud.com with "Speak" in the subject line along with your Story Title — Example: Speak — "Honoring my Hardship" Keep story under 8 minutes long Either record your own (our preferred method. there is massive POWER + healing in hearing your own voice share) or send written story

The Montana House Retreat

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