MSP74 [] Your Future: Disrupted

Published: April 28, 2019, 11 p.m.

It’s the entrepreneurial equivalent of a middle finger. Disruption is more than a tech bro buzzword. It’s a destructive force that we’ll be paying the price of for generations to come.

Produced by Jeff Sandhu for BFM89.9

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Episode Transcript

These shows are dictated to and transcribed by machines, and hurriedly edited by a human. Apologies for the typos and grammar flaws.

I’ve been away from MSP for the past few weeks. Because Matt decided that I needed some attitude adjustment.

However, while I was away our Inbox was flooded with complaints that the show was starting to sound like the BBC Shipping Forecast. So, who’s attitude do you think needed adjusting?

Of course, we wouldn’t want Matt to adjust his attitude or change anything up, which is why, on this week’s show, we’re talking about Disruption.

Are we looking at the effects of Disruption on our future?
•I actually wanted to call today’s show the search for a noun.
•But I knew that was essentially suicide in terms of SEO, unless we compensated by filling the introduction full of spam terms like size, money, crypto, wealthy, enrichment and pharmaceuticals.

You mean, you’d have had to do exactly what you just did?
•There, you see, I’m already being Disruptive.
•Mostly to the norms of taste and decency.

You sound as though you’re saying Disruptive with a capital D…
•Your ability to aurally process grammar, is extremely impressive.
•that’s aural with an au not an or, by the way.
•I’ve successfully wasted 103, no 105, no 107 words since you asked your first question.
•I’m Disrupting the show again.
•Have you noticed that Disruption always has a capital D?
•If you see it in a presentation, even in the middle of a sentence, it always seems to be capitalised.

Jeff Replies
•There’s this element of shoutiness about the word Disruption.
•It’s the entrepreneurial equivalent of a middle finger.

And you think that’s what Disruption – with a capital D – has become?
•Absolutely. On the one hand it’s a very arrogant response.
•On the other. It’s like a panic reaction
•it has this ‘rabbit in the headlights’ quality about.
•Somewhat lacking in specificity…

A bit like this show…
•Someone asks you what your company does or what’s unique about your product.
•And the only thing you can think to say about what you do is that it’s disruptive.