MSP72 [] Kids For Sale: Kids, Parents And The Burnout Generation.

Published: April 12, 2019, 7:04 a.m.

While parents worry about self-harming memes like Momo, are their own actions creating a generation of kids destined to self-destruct?

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Let’s clear something up from the start: is this show intended as a How To guide for exploiting your children?
•I know that I seem to get cast as an AI-toting, modern-day Fagin figure but no.
•There is enough child exploitation – of tremendously varying degrees – going on without me adding to it.
•Of course, my popular online course, how to make money off your weak-minded kids, is available for only 99.99 in the currency of your choice on the Kulturpop website.

Yes. Someone who bought it said it contained four hours of nothing but you laughing.
•It’s a theme that runs through most of Kulturpop’s online courses.
•Get rich with Crypto-Currency is especially popular.
•And it’s true. My course on crypto currency is making me rich.
•But I have my social responsibility hat on today.
•And there’s quite a lot of ground to cover.

We’re looking at deliberate exploitation?
•That’s one aspect.
•There are the online scares and memes, there’s innocent oversharing and there’s also the emergence of Gen Z as the so-called burnout generation.
•So, we’re really looking at the whole cause and effect cycle.

Do you think we’re still obsessed with Millennials?
•Yeah, which is really weird. I discussed this with Jeff on a previous show.
•The last Millennials were born in 1994. The oldest Millennials are now 39.
•We’ll be changing their title to Middlennials soon.
•If you’re 25 or older then you’re not a Millennial, you’re a Digital Native.
•And, the last Digital Natives have been born.

Gen Alpha?
•Anyone born after 2013 or so is characterised as Gen Alpha.
•So when we talk about the exploitation side of this, it’s Gen Z and